Monday, October 28, 2013

Tomorrow is Tuesday...the perfect day to become a new me, right? I have 50lbs to least. That number is just terrifying, but if I don't tackle it now, it will only be higher and harder to reach my goal. So Tuesday it is. I logged into my online Weight Watchers account, dusted it off (not sure I've even logged in since last November), and tomorrow, I'm going to weigh myself and track. Tracking everything is my only eating goal. I don't even really care what my point tally is. I just want to see what I've been taking in. It will probably be equally depressing as it is motivating, but it's a place to start. I made a little effort this morning by grabbing the Fiber One Cereal instead of eating the Kashi Go Lean (and probably toast, too) I wanted to eat. I'll take the kids for a walk this afternoon, if it's as nice outside as it looks. Tomorrow, I'll get on my Nordic Track; we'll see how that goes...

I've been down this road so many times before. Sometimes, I take off and crash before I even get off the ground. But, a few times I've been really successful and actually managed to reach fitness goals I was proud of and have a physique that I was satisfied with. I'm lying if I pretend that I have serious doubts that this effort is going to one of the successes. Lets see what happens.

Signing off...